10 Creative Custom Printing Ideas to Draw Attention to Your Business

10 Creative Custom Printing Ideas to Draw Attention to Your Business

Published on March 18, 2022

Custom printing ideas can be used to help you draw more attention to your business and generate more interest in what you offer. With techniques like foil and embossing, coatings to provide extra protection, and even metallic inks and die-cutting there is no reason why your marketing materials cannot be unique and extremely appealing to consumers.

1. Add a Photo

One of the creative custom printing ideas that can help set your company apart is adding a special photo that is relevant. This can be a picture of your company staff, a photo of a special award or recognition that your business has received, or even images of your most popular products. A photo can lighten up your item and really make it pop.

When choosing photos be sure to show how your products and services can improve something for the viewer. A boring picture of a presenter and a flip chart is likely to turn viewers away. But a group of people giving a thumbs up and text that says, “Company X helped us reach our goals” is much more likely to get attention.

2. Personalize the Message

If you want people to remember you then you have to personalize the message that you are sending. All of the foil and embossing in the world will not be effective if you have a generic message that does not get through to the recipient. You may want to have a number of target groups who can receive a personalized message instead of a single list.

Businesses routinely have different ads for different age groups. You can personalize your advertising materials for different age groups and demographics. Young adults prefer more modern tech oriented pieces while seniors may be more intrigued with material containing retro or vintage graphics and images.

3. Promotional Magnets

Almost every household in America has at least one magnet on the refrigerator. Your company name and contact information could be in this space if you order customized promotional magnets to hand out at trade shows or use with a marketing campaign. This can be one of the more effective custom printing ideas.

4. T-Shirts

Custom printing ideas that can gain exposure for your business can include t-shirts that have your company name and logo on them. These shirts can be given away as an incentive or promotional item. When the individual wears your shirt in public, you are getting free advertising. The cost of printed shirts can be very low per unit.

5. Add Hidden Codes and Messages

Some custom printing ideas involve the use of hidden codes and messages that must be revealed. You can send out a mailer which has a hidden code and the recipient must bring the piece in to have the message decoded and reveal a special offer or discount amount on the next purchase. In addition, the item must be returned so you can track your response better.

6. Use QR Codes

QR codes are still fairly new and unusual. These codes can direct your recipient to a certain website or landing page. QR codes can also be used to offer further information about a specific offer, product, or service. Consumers will want to crack the code to see what it says or offers.

7. Use Variable Imaging

Variable imaging is one of the more popular custom printing ideas today, and it is possible thanks to digital printing. You can change the image or data field that is printed out depending on who the target is and what you know about them. You can use favorite colors, recent purchases, or other demographics in order to personalize each mailer.

8. Use Specialized Techniques

If you want your mailer or marketing collateral to stand out and get attention then using foil and embossing will definitely do this. These specialized techniques add a completely new level of sophistication to your mailer. Die cutting can also help you set your material apart and make it superior to your competition.

9. Include a Small Survey

One of the more helpful custom printing ideas is to add a few short questions to your mailer so that you can get feedback on important topics from the consumers that you are targeting. This feedback can be used to tweak your mailing materials and campaign focus so that you get better results from your hard work and money spent.

10. Send a Mailer for Special Events

Remember your most loyal customers on birthdays, anniversaries, and major holidays. This is one of the most effective custom printing ideas that can be used. When the recipient sees that your business remembered them on a special day this creates a stronger sense of connection and builds greater trust. This also gives your company a personal aspect that is appealing.

Original Article: 10 Creative Custom Printing Ideas to Draw Attention to Your Business 

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